Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sant Pravar Shri Vigyan Dev Ji Maharaj - a true Yogi, an inspiration

Jai Sadgurudeo!
 It's been a while that wrote anything. What could be better than writing about a true Yogi and Saint, Sant Pravar Shri Vigyan Dev Ji Maharaj!

The title "Sant Pravar" literally means the foremost saint. In true spiritual context, a saint is the one whose consciousness is always connected to the Divine. Sant Pravar possesses a charismatic personality, yet extreme simplicity. He was born in year 1978 in Ballia, UP in the holy lineage of Shringi Rishi as the great grandson of H.H. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj, the grandson of Pratham Parampara Sadguru Shri Dharmachandradeo Ji Maharaj and the elder son of Sadguru Acharya Shri Swatantradeo Ji Mahraj.
Geeta says that a special soul is born in a special, Yogi family. Sant Pravar, the most special soul had to born nowhere but in the very family of the Sadguru Himself.

The spiritual merit that Sant Pravar possesses has been on display since he was a child. He was actively involved in the prachar service since his early teenage. The inherent spiritual knowledge that descends onto him places him class apart. His lucid lectures are precise, relevant and deliver very clear concepts without any ambiguity.

A lot may be written about the spiritual qualities that he possesses. However, anything about Sant Pravar would be just incomplete without the mention of "Swarved".

"Swarved" is the most profound spiritual text available today. It is written by the great Himalaya Yogi and the pioneer of Vihangam Yoga, Anant Shri Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Mahraj in the Himalayan caves in a state of Yog Samadhi, i.e. oneness with the Supreme Soul.

Swarved is nothing but the expression of actual experiences at the highest stage of Yog. Written in the form of simple couplets in Hindi language, it is a profound collection of spiritual secrets unveiled. It is not written out some other reference books or some intellectual exercise but the first hand knowledge that descends from the Divine.
The purport of this noble Treatise was written by the first Parampara Sadguru Acharya Shri Dharmachandra Deo Ji Maharaj.

So how does it relate to Sant Pravar? Sant Pravar has taken a pious oath of taking the message of Swarved to every single human being on earth for the absolute welfare of mankind. Sant Pravar reaches the high spiritual state where Swarved was written from. And from that platform, he explains the true essence of Swarved in his lucid, specific and engulfing Swarved Kathamrit. Swarved Kathamrit is all about Swarved - where the couplets of Swarved are sung in a rhythmic way with really soothing music, and the listeners get swayed away into a spiritual odyssey.
Sant Pravar often says that not knowing something is not ignorance, it is when you possess a false knowledge. Knowledge is to know something how it exactly is. With this, he goes on explaining things in wonderful details, context specific. His speeches are not diplomatic - i.e. this is right, alright that too can be right and simultaneously that one is right too. Instead, he enlightens people with precise understanding of things.Everything.
The same thing continues everywhere, be it the press talks or the talks of daily life. To the fortunate people who get to interact with him, he is known for his straight forward and specific talks. He inspired. He carves the genius out of everyone. The people offering Seva correctly as per his instructions get closer to perfection with every passing day. No one goes unanswered, unsatisfied from him.
With all this exception merit, Sant Pravar is an inspiration, an icon. Yet, he spends a very simple life of a true yogi. Extremely kind, he is very actively involved in multiple kinds of social service activities.

Again, known as the originator of Swarved Kathamrit, his exceptional capability of passing very clear concepts over the most complicated spiritual secrets have created sensation among spiritual seekers. His divine speeches or "Divya Vani" of Swarved Kathamrit, have been mesmerizing and transforming the lives of hundreds of thousands of spiritual seekers in several countries. As a result, the "spiritual appetite" of people in general has increased. Today the world is curious about the Swarved. About deep spiritual secrets.It has especially been boosted by the TV telecasts on various channels. One can follow Swarved Kathamrit along with Sadguru Shri Swatantradeo Ji Maharaj's Amritvani on Zee Jagran Channel, daily 8:30-9am, Disha Channel daily 1:15-1:35pm and Sanskar Channel - Monday to Saturday 8:40-9 pm. The first two are also available as online stream. One may follow his videos on various interesting topics on One may follow regular updates about Sadnt Pravar at his fan page,

Sant Pravar's books - Divya Vani part 1 (ISBN 978-81-920696-0-9) and part 2 (ISBN 978-81-920696-2-3), Sant Vigyandeo Vachanamrit (ISBN 978-81-920696-3-0) and Adhyatm Vigyan (ISBN 978-81-920696-4-7) have raised the bar for the standards of a spiritual scripture. The famous Divya Vani book has been translated into multiple languages.

Well writing about a Yogi is always something beyond the reach of words. Still, follow the post for more to come.